Correctional Complex Generic
COMPANY Correctional Complex
LOCATION Australia
INSTALL DATE October 2021
INDUSTRY Correctional Services
The Green Solution
The Corrective Service Commissioner outlined sustainability targets for all facilities throughout NSW. Diverting food waste from landfill and reducing the high cost of handling this waste was a key priority.
They were looking for a technology that could deliver on these targets, the WasteMaster was chosen based on being Australian owned, made and would provide a usable output with real benefits to the environment and be part of a truly circular economy.
Quantifiable Results
Since October 2021 Installation:
Food Waste Loaded – 32,219 Kg.
Residue Sent to AD – 16,947 Kg.
CO2eq reduction for site – 57.35 tonnes.
Positive Outcomes
Residue has been sent to Earth Power Anaerobic Digestor in Camellia (rather than to landfill) where it is use as fuel to create green energy fed into the electricity grid.
84,034 kWh of electricity produced from the residue.
Enough green electricity to power 5,115 homes for a day.
Environmental and Operational Benefits
Environmental credentials improvement
Socially responsible (ESG), credentials increased
Re-purposing food
Reduced waste disposal costs of circa 20%.
Improved cleanliness of waste area.
Creating a pathway form residents to become educated.