Green Eco Technologies develops, supplies, and manages innovative, efficient and environmentally beneficial, on-site solutions for the recycling and re-purposing of organic waste as reusable resources.
Our innovative technology delivers environmental and cost savings and process improvements across all facets of organic waste management, reducing the impacts of food and other organic waste disposal.
As innovators in food waste management for our global environment, Green Eco Technologies continually pursues ways to improve and develop its technology to further reduce impacts on the environment. Our ongoing research and partnerships with key international bodies ensure that we remain informed and aware of global and local insights and initiatives, government legislation, technological innovation and news in the sustainability sector.
United Nations’
17 Sustainable Development Goals
The philosophy of Green Eco Technologies is to support global initiatives and action to minimise society’s negative impacts on the environment. To this end, Green Eco Technologies strives to work in support of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for the good of the environment, and to preserve our planet to meet the sustainability requirements of the current world population and future generations.
Our Sustainable Development Goals
Food waste is one of the largest emitters of methane on the planet, creating major problems for our climate and environment. Research has shown that using the WasteMaster equates to an 84% reduction in greenhouse gas generation when compared with landfill disposal.
WasteMaster provides accurate measurement of actual quantities of food waste being produced, allowing users to develop plans to reduce avoidable waste and promote more sustainable consumption. Food waste is converted by the WasteMaster into a reusable resource for the generation of energy, soil enrichment and other uses, drawing maximum benefit from natural organic resources in keeping with a circular economy.
With rising urbanisation, cities are coming under increasing strain. The WasteMaster innovation encourages the development of sustainable cities by harvesting the value from waste and contributing valuable resources for local use and benefit.
The WasteMaster has been developed to address several global issues including food wastage and climate damage caused by the disposal of food waste in landfill. The WasteMaster’s on-site management of organic waste provides the infrastructure to process waste locally to support the development of a circular economy.
WasteMaster converts food waste into a nutrient-rich, high calorific value, residual material. This residue is the perfect feed stock for sustainable green energy creation through the process of anaerobic digestion.
Some food waste management systems use water to process the waste and then discharge it to drains and sewers leading to the potential contamination of waterways and life in and around the water. WasteMaster processes organic waste without the use of water or risk to sanitation.
Food waste processing systems that use water to macerate and flush this waste away can cause contamination of waterways, the water table and ultimately our oceans. The WasteMaster system supports both the conservation of water and the healthy maintenance of sea and river life as it does not use water for its conversion process or discharge waste into drains and sewers.
The disposal of organic waste in landfill causes significant harm to our climate through greenhouse gas generation, as well as general pollution, hygiene risks and damage to the surrounding land. Diversion of food waste from landfill, reduces the damaging environmental impacts from this disposal.