What types of business can benefit from installing a WasteMaster?
The WasteMaster is scalable and ideal in its standard configurations for any business or organization that produces between 250 - 900 kilograms of food waste per day. Custom solutions are available for larger volumes or sites with particular needs.
Why WasteMaster?
WasteMaster will not only improve the health and safety of your site by significantly reducing vehicle traffic, preventing offensive odours and deterring vermin and insects, it will also significantly reduce both your greenhouse gas emissions and your waste management costs. Best of all, it will give you an accurate measure of your food waste and with this information you can begin to better manage and implement solutions to reduce your waste at source.
Does WasteMaster operation require microorganisms or bacteria?
No. Unlike other systems, WasteMaster does not use microorganisms to process waste so there is no need to ensure optimal conditions to keep microorganisms alive. This also means there is no risk of offensive odours caused by decaying microorganisms.
Does WasteMaster require other types of additive, such as wood chips, pellets, or paper to work?
No. The WasteMaster does not require anything other than low levels of electricity, and of course organic waste.
Does WasteMaster use water?
No. Unlike older technologies, WasteMaster does not use valuable water or any other liquid during processing and so will not adversely affect drainage, sewerage systems or water courses.